
2014 Green Tie Winners Announced

For immediate release: April 28, 2014

Contact: Dan Crawford, Director of Governmental Relations, NC League of Conservation Voters; dan@nclcv.org, 919-839-0020 or 919-539-1422

RALEIGH – NC League of Conservation Voters announced today the recipients of its annual Green Tie Awards. The Green Tie Awards honor legislators who have stepped up, spoken out, and carried water for environmental issues at the General Assembly. Whether it’s sponsoring pro-active legislation that will help clean up or protect our communities statewide, or being a consistent voice and vote for better environmental policies, these awards are a way to recognize the true environmental champions.

2014 Senator of the Year – Senator Angela Bryant

The Senator of the Year award recognizes Senator Bryant’s consistent ability to prioritize protecting our environment when making hard decisions, her long-time and effective willingness to engage with the environmental community, and providing real leadership over the years on key issues at the intersection of environment and social justice.

2014 Representative of the Year – Representative Larry Hall

The Representative of the Year award recognizes Representative Hall for his sponsorship and votes for sound environmental legislation, being proactive on environmental issues, and his notable environmental record.

2014 Rising Stars – Senators Valerie Foushee and Mike Woodard; Representatives Nathan Baskerville, Carla Cunningham, George Graham, Duane Hall, Yvonne Lewis Holley, Bobbie Richardson, and Evelyn Terry

This award recognizes new voices at the General Assembly who make the environment one of the issues they champion as they move into leadership positions.

The Joes – Senators Ellie Kinnaird, Dan Clodfelter, and Martin Nesbitt (posthumously); Representative Joe Tolson

Honoring former Speaker Joe Hackney for his 32 years of environmental advocacy, this award serves as a thank you to environmental champions who will not be returning to the General Assembly.

Of particular interest this year is the absence of a Defender of the Environment. This award recognizes those legislators who not only are a strong and consistent voice for the environment, but who are willing to take a stand against bad environmental legislation. Given the anti-environment sentiment resonating from the legislature, every environmental champion deserves recognition with this award.

Official presentation of the awards will take place on May 27 at NCLCV’s Annual Green Tie Awards Dinner in downtown Raleigh. The event is attended by business, environmental, and political leaders from across the state and will feature Senator Kay Hagan as keynote speaker. Senator Hagan will speak to her positions on key environmental issues affecting the citizens of North Carolina.

NC League of Conservation Voters is a statewide lobbying organization dedicated to protecting, preserving, and enhancing North Carolina’s natural environment. NCLCV has been working to protect North Carolina’s environment and our citizen’s health for over 40 years, turning environmental values into North Carolina priorities. NCLCV’s vision for the future of North Carolina is that all citizens and our elected decision-makers will better understand and appreciate North Carolina’s unique natural environment, and the integral role it plays in North Carolina’s economy and quality of life.

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