
CIB 3/31/2014

What “waters” are protected by federal law? Plus other news, this week in CIB: Washington Watch: Clearing the “Waters” One of the most critical questions in clean water law is the most basic: What is a protected “water”? The answer is not as simple as you’d think, and has been fought over in the state […]

CIB 3/24/2014

The official review of key clean water rules begins, plus more coal ash developments and other news, this week in CIB: Administrative Watch: Review Begins of Key Clean Water Rules We’ve been waiting for it, and now it’s begun: the formal review process for North Carolina’s most critical legal protections for clean water. These are […]

CIB 3/17/2014

We sort out the latest coal ash pollution developments, plus other news, this week in CIB: Judicial Watch: Emails Display Chain of Collaboration, and Stalling Continues One state court has already ordered Duke Energy to take “immediate action” to clean up its coal ash pollution. At the same time, a federal grand jury is taking […]

NCLCV Announces Senator Kay Hagan as Keynote for 2014 Green Tie Awards Dinner

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 17, 2014 CONTACT: Debra Davis Rezeli, Director of Engagement; debra@nclcv.org, 919-839-0978 RALEIGH, N.C. – NC League of Conservation Voters announced today the keynote speaker for its Annual Green Tie Awards Dinner. The 2014 event will feature Senator Kay Hagan who has represented North Carolina citizens for more than 12 years, first […]

CIB 3/10/2014

A state judge has ordered Duke to clean up its coal ash pits “immediately”, plus other news, this week in CIB: Judicial Watch: Duke Ordered to Clean Up Coal Ash Pollution Cutting through the tangled knot of state/utility negotiations, a State Superior Court judge last week ordered Duke Energy to “take immediate action to eliminate […]

NC Voters Favor Swift Coal Ash Clean Up

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 5, 2014 CONTACT: Dan Crawford, Director of Governmental Relations, Office 919-839-0020, Mobile 919-539-1422, dan@nclcv.org RALEIGH – According to a new public opinion survey released today, the vast majority of North Carolina voters want state lawmakers to take swift and forceful action to require Duke Energy to clean up all of its […]

CIB 3/3/2014

What is the governor’s stance on coal ash pollution? That plus other news, this week in CIB: Executive Watch: Public in the Dark on State’s Stance on Ash What is the state’s stance on dealing with those coal ash ponds? Is the governor in charge of his own executive departments? And where is that mysterious […]

CIB 2/24/2014

The mess from coal ash keeps widening, plus other news, this week in CIB: Executive Watch: Coal Ash Criminal Probe Deepens, Pollution Revelations Broaden From the criminal investigation process to the pipes draining into our rivers, the blows from coal ash kept falling last week on Duke Energy and the McCrory Administration. The U.S. Attorney’s […]

CIB 2/17/2014

The 2013 report card for most of NC’s Congressional delegation stinks, plus more coal ash controversy and other news, this week in CIB: Campaign Watch: LCV Releases 2013 Grades for Congress A majority of North Carolina’s Congressional delegation (seven House members and one Senator) earned “abysmal” ratings of 15% or less on the 2013 National […]

NCLCV Announces NC Delegation Scores from LCV’s 2013 National Environmental Scorecard

Raleigh, NC – NC League of Conservation Voters today unveiled scores for the North Carolina delegation released this morning as part of the League of Conservation Voters 2013 National Environmental Scorecard. The Scorecard reflects how continued attacks on our environment and public health safeguards have led to all-time low scores for House Republicans, a sharp […]

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