
CIB 2/10/2014

Are state authorities fumbling the coal ash spill and its aftermath? Plus more news, this week in CIB: Executive Watch: Coal Ash Cover-Up? About a week ago, a collapsing pipe draining the coal ash storage pond at the old Dan River coal power plant set loose what appears now to be the third-worst coal ash […]

CIB 2/3/2014

EPA announces action on coal ash, and solar energy makes more news at the national and state levels, this week in CIB: Washington Watch: EPA Will Issue Coal Ash Rules The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced last week that it will finalize its first rules governing the disposal of coal ash by December 14 of […]

CIB 1/27/2014

Public policy attention this week will focus on the President’s message in his State of the Union address; plus more news, this week in CIB: Washington Watch: State of the Climate? Climate change action advocates are pondering the question of what President Obama will announce on that topic in tomorrow (Tuesday) evening’s 9 p.m. State […]

CIB 1/20/2014

Coal as a primary power source is on the hot seat on multiple fronts, this week in CIB: Judicial Watch: Duke Sued Over Coal Ash, Groups Seek to Intervene An increasingly heated debate over the risks of coal ash pond storage has now gone to court in North Carolina, and environmental groups are seeking status […]

CIB 1/13/2014

The future of clean water in North Carolina is at stake in hearings starting Thursday, plus more news, this week in CIB: Administrative Watch: Clean Water on the Line Every meaningful state protection for clean water in North Carolina will be at grave risk of being cut back or eliminated in the rules review process […]

CIB 1/6/2014

Follow the money as it floods the campaign airwaves, pays for energy efficiency efforts, and finances climate-change deniers, this week in CIB: Campaign Watch: Campaign “Air” Pollutants The new year is off to a negative campaigning start with ads attacking U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC) launched by N.C. House Speaker Thom Tillis (R-Mecklenburg) as well […]

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