
Turn Up The Volume for NC Voices: Our Foundation’s Voter Registration Work

Our Foundation is working to bring more voices to the ballot box this November. Is yours one of them? This year we embarked on a voter registration project, led by staff members Aiden Graham and Justin Oller, with an ambitious goal: to register 20,000 new voters for the 2014 general election. How do you even […]

CIB 9/8/2014

Duke is hit with a citizen suit to clean up three more coal ash sites, plus more news, this week in CIB. Judicial Watch: New Citizen Suit Filed Against Coal Ash Pollution Citizen conservation groups last week followed up on their announced commitment to sue Duke Energy to compel the cleanup of coal ash pits […]

CIB 9/1/2014

Citizens will enforce the Clean Water Act when the state falters, plus more news, this week in CIB. Judicial Watch: Citizens Go Back to Court for Coal Ash Cleanup “Since the state won’t enforce these laws, we will,” declared Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) spokesperson Kathleen Sullivan. SELC was responding to a letter last week […]

CIB 8/25/2014

Environmental issues are leading the news on multiple fronts in North Carolina. NCLCV candidate endorsements, fracking rule hearings, and the coal ash legislative disappointment are all reviewed this week inCIB. Campaign Watch: NCLCV CPAC Endorses Pro-Conservation Legislative Candidates Today, NCLCV’s Conservation Pac (CPAC) released its 2014 general election endorsements of pro-conservation candidates for the NC […]

Recap: First Public Fracking Hearing More Quiet Riot than Full Rager

Fracking. It’s a word these days that elicits anger, elation, and confusion. What is it? And why is it dominating news headlines? In its recap of yesterday’s fracking public hearing, the News & Observer offers a “Fracking 101” clip at the bottom of the article. I recommend checking it out. Over 30 states currently have […]

Thousands of Comments Collected for Public Input on Fracking Rules

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 20, 2014 CONTACT: Dan Crawford, Director of Governmental Relations, NC League of Conservation Voters; dan@nclcv.org, 919-839-0020 or 919-539-1422 Raleigh, NC – NC League of Conservation Voters has been engaged in an effort to contact concerned citizens during the public comment period on proposed fracking rules. Through an aggressive grassroots campaign, both […]

CIB 8/18/2014

It’s time now to urge stronger pollution control rules on fracking, plus other news, this week in CIB: Administrative Watch: Ask Now for Stronger Controls on Fracking It’s time for concerned citizens to speak up for strong enforcement of pollution controls on any fracking operations that come to our state. As we reported previously, the […]

Our Fact Sheet on Fracking Rules: Coordinated Permitting

The NC Mining & Energy Commission has requested public comment on a package of 120+ rules establishing an entirely new regulatory and permitting program for fracking operations in the state. This factsheet is intended to provide background information for concerned citizens planning to comment on a critical but somewhat obscure feature of the proposed program: […]

Letter to MEC: Safety and forethought before damage and short-term $$$

One of our members emailed this letter to the Mining and Energy Commission as part of the open public comments period for its proposed fracking rules. We were blown away by this advocacy, and we wanted to share this with you as both an example and an inspiration for you to take action. Dear MEC […]

EDF Voices: Summer reading for the environmentally-minded

Originally posted in the Environmental Defense League’s blog: EDF Voices: People on the Planet Summer reading for the environmentally-minded Karin Rives / Published August 8, 2014 in Ecosystems Summer has been flying by, but there’s still time to get out and enjoy the environment we’re all working to defend. Whether at the beach, on a […]

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