2017 Green Tie Awards

Thank you to all of our attendees, sponsors, and supporters who joined us on May 10th to honor seven award recipients and to hear the inspiring keynote of Governor Roy Cooper!

After six years of fighting tooth and nail to defend policies protecting the state’s environment and natural resources, the more than 250 attendees at our 2017 Green Tie Awards celebrated a brighter, healthier future ahead for North Carolina thanks to the leadership of Governor Cooper.

Roy Cooper
Governor Roy Cooper delivered keynote at 2017 Green Tie Awards on May 10

This was NCLCV’s tenth annual Green Tie Awards to honor environmental champions in the state legislature and in local communities. Seven outstanding leaders and innovators received recognition for the positive impacts their work has meant for North Carolina’s economy, natural heritage and public health.

A 2009 Green Tie Catalyst Award recipient, Governor Cooper touched on his vision in his keynote for a North Carolina that provided the education, economic opportunity and clean resources so all North Carolinians could thrive. He reflected on taking walks with his father as a child as the moments he first grew to understand the importance of being a strong environmental steward. Governor Cooper carried this value into his multiple public service offices, from enacting stiffer penalties for polluters during his time in the NC General Assembly to requiring the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to install and operate basic pollution control equipment and the good neighbor provision to compel the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to enforce the Clean Air Interstate Rule as NC’s Attorney General.

The Governor also touched on the critical role of the state’s clean, renewable energy sector. Not only is the transition to clean sources of electricity better for the environment, Governor Cooper noted, but “it’s putting money back into people’s pockets.” This theme of balancing clean air, water, and land safeguards with ensuring continued economic investment and job growth came up again as Governor Cooper praised the leadership of Secretary Michael Regan, who oversees the state’s once-handcuffed Department of Environmental Quality.

“Secretary Regan knows that DEQ’s primary customers are the citizens of North Carolina,” Cooper spoke. This comes in sharp contrast to the previous McCrory administration who chose to put the interests of businesses ahead of the well-being of North Carolinians and the state’s natural resources on multiple occasions.

Senator Mike Woodard (center) received the 2017 Senator of the Year Award
2017 Senator of the Year - Senator Mike Woodard

Senator Mike Woodard was honored as the 2017 Senator of the Year due, in large part, to his work fighting for implementation of pollution-control plans for drinking water sources, including those for Jordan and Falls Lake, that serve over 500,000 residents.

Representative Pricey Harrison is welcomed on stage by NCLCV Board President Courtney Crowder during 2017 Green Tie Awards
2017 Representative of the Year - Representative Pricey Harrison

Representative Pricey Harrison, who has a lifetime environmental score of 100 on NCLCV’s Legislative Scorecard, was awarded the 2017 Representative of the Year. Representative Harrison was the most vocal opponent to a 2016 bill that conservation groups dubbed the “Duke Energy Protection Act.” It gave the company unfettered authority to decide how and when to cleanup the millions of tons of coal ash around the state rather than granting that power to the state’s lead environmental agency.

Carol Davis, Executive Director of the S.G. Atkins CDC in Winston-Salem, was recognized as a 2017 Catalyst for her work in creating community-driven leadership opportunities
Mack Pearsall (center) founded The Collider in Asheville, a nonprofit that strives for market-driven solutions to solve the threats posed by climate change
2017 Catalyst Award - Mack Pearsall and Carol Davis

Entrepreneurs Mack Pearsall and Carol Davis received NCLCV’s Catalyst Award for their respective endeavors.

Davis received her Catalyst honors for her leadership in creating The Enterprise Center, which is connected with the S.G. Atkins Community Development Corporation in Winston-Salem. As Executive Director, Davis has turned a former Boys & Girls Club into a small business incubator that encourages community-based leadership. Davis has worked closely with PowerUp NC, a project of NCLCV Foundation, to more tightly connect the issues of energy-efficiency, renewable energy, affordable housing, and utility justice to the idea of creating a green jobs pathway for local residents.

Pearsall founded The Collider in western North Carolina in 2016. The Collider is a nonprofit innovation center focused on catalyzing market-driven climate solutions. Headquartered in Asheville – also known as “Climate City” – The Collider seeks to bring the best minds and data together to catalyze a new industry dedicated to delivering climate products and services that not only benefit business but benefit the planet.

Secretary Larry Hall receives “The Joe” for his service as an environmental champion as a state Representative
2017 “The Joe” award - Larry Hall

Because of his leadership in encouraging his caucus to prioritize clean air and water bills at the legislature, former Representative (now Secretary) Larry Hall received “The Joe” award. “The Joe” is named for former House Speaker Joe Hackney, one of the state’s most prominent environmental champions in its history. As Secretary of Veterans and Military Affairs, Hall continues to have the opportunity to champion clean energy projects in the state of North Carolina. The Department of Defense has been a leader in transitioning away from fossil fuels and integrating renewables such as solar and geothermal into providing power for its military operations in North Carolina and beyond. During his acceptance speech, Secretary Hall reflected that “the environment unites us all” and vowed to remain a champion for his agency and to support his former colleagues at the legislature.

Senators Erica Smith-Ingram, Mike Woodard, and Jay Chaudhuri show off their 2017 Green Tie Awards
2017 Rising Stars - Erica Smith-Ingram and Jay Chaudhuri

Two Senators, Erica Smith-Ingram and Jay Chaudhuri were named 2017 Rising Stars, an honor bestowed upon newer state elected officials who showed an early commitment to protecting the people and places of North Carolina in Raleigh. Both Ingram and Chaudhuri prioritized pro-conservation legislation inside the General Assembly, including policies that promote renewable energy to legislation addressing the state’s coal ash cleanup mess.

Many former Green Tie recipients attended the event, including former Representative Deborah Ross; Senator Floyd McKissick; Melvin Montford (Executive Director of the NC A. Philip Randolph Institute); Senator Terry Van Duyn; Senator Joyce Waddell; Representative Graig Meyer; Representative Duane Hall; Representative John Ager; and Representative Brian Turner.

More than 70 corporate and individual sponsors supported the 2017 Green Tie and the continued work to prioritize conservation and clean energy in state and local decision-making. The list of sponsors and additional information about award recipients can be found below.

Keynote Speaker – Governor Roy Cooper

Governor Cooper has been an advocate for clean air and water, fighting pollution in two major cases as our state’s Attorney General: requiring the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to install and operate basic pollution control equipment and the good neighbor provision to compel the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to enforce the Clean Air Interstate Rule. He received the Catalyst Award from NCLCV at the 2009 Green Tie Awards. His fight to protect North Carolinians, especially communities disproportionately impacted by hog waste, forged the eventual Smithfield Agreement, which was a step in the right direction for ensuring justice for all when it comes to access to basic resources. Spending summers working on the farm in his hometown of Nash County, Gov. Cooper understands the important role we have in stewarding this earth for future generations. During his time in the NC House, NC Senate and Attorney General, he continued to keep the environment as a priority as he works on behalf of our state and its people. Now, as North Carolina’s Governor, he will have the opportunity to ensure what’s best for our state’s natural resources and people become priorities once again.

2017 Sponsors

Sustainable Green Tie Sponsors

John Manuel & Cathy Murphy

Katherine Seligmann*

Fred & Alice Stanback*

Gold Tie Sponsors

Kelly & Jane Clark

Linda & Rufus Edmisten

Marion Sullivan

White Tie Sponsors

Marcia Angle & Mark Trustin

Erskine & Crandall Bowles

David & Avery Knight

Mack Pearsall

Steve Smith*

Senator Terry Van Duyn

Black Tie Sponsors

Capital Group of the Sierra Club

Cynthia Ball & David Aspnes

Richard Bierly

Dan Bruer

Andrew & Jean Canada

Carrie Clark

Courtney Crowder

Nina Szlosberg-Landis & Kel Landis

Carol & Mac Montgomery

Paula Sewell

Al & Pam Swanstrom

Tom Taft

Dr. Amy Tiemann

Silk Tie Sponsors

east coast greenway alliance logo
smith moore leatherwood attorneys at law

Lucy Allen


Joel Bradshaw

Celebrity Dairy

Dan & Sarah Crawford

Rep. Verla Insko

David Jones

Kelly McNally Koney

Alitha Palich

Benita Purcell

Mary Beth Powell & Bill Rote

Peter Raabe

David Smith

David Smoots

John & Ashley Wilson


*gift made to NCLCV Foundation

environmental justice

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