2023 Scorecard

Draining the Future by Destroying North Carolina’s Wetlands

This year’s annual Farm Bill flushes nature’s filters down the drain. The N.C. Farm Act of 2023 reclassifies protected wetlands to only those “adjacent to bodies of water.” Now at least 2.5 million acres of vital wetlands are open for development in North Carolina.

A study on coastal storms from 1996 to 2005 found that one square kilometer of wetlands saves $1.8 million in property damage. During Hurricane Sandy in 2012, wetlands reduced damages for coastal states by an average of 11 percent. It is evident enough that the economic benefits of wetlands alone are reason enough to save them. And as we begin to live with the real consequences of climate change, we need more wetlands, not less. 


I Tried to Vote Today

We have seen multiple attempts by the NC Republican party to elevate legislative power through anti-democratic legislation, like S.B. 747 Elections Law Changes and S.B. 512 Greater Accountability for Boards/Commissions, each of which passed. If the last four years have shown us anything, it is that democracy is fragile, and the battle to maintain it demands our full attention.

“It is more important than ever for voters to hit the ballots and elect environmental champions in the 2024 elections,” said Carrie Clark, our Executive Director. “Please use this scorecard to hold your legislators accountable for their votes. And use it when you consider your own vote this year.” 

Forever Chemicals

Every time you drink from the tap of your North Carolina residence, you unwittingly ingest per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (or PFAS): perilous hazards to your well-being. These chemicals are known as forever chemicals because they do not break down in the environment or in our bodies. These chemicals are not only polluting our water but are spreading to our food as well.

Scorecard, Adversaries & Allies

To learn more about the 2023 bills and votes, and to see how your legislators scored, see the full 2023 Scorecard PDF here.

Additionally, each year we identify some of the biggest allies and adversaries to environmental work in North Carolina. Here are your 2023 Allies and Adversaries.

Governor's Scorecard

During this legislative session, Governor Cooper exercised his veto power on a series of bills that have been regarded as some of the most stringent and concerning environmental regulations ever presented to this body. In particular, Cooper vetoed Senate Bill (S.B.) 582, which redefined the definition of “wetland” so that 2.5 million acres of vital wetlands are open for development in North Carolina; and House Bill (H.B.) 488, which prevented home construction from becoming safer from disaster and more energy efficient.

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Read the Top Stories from the 2023 Scorecard

A Victory Against “Moore” Unchecked Political Power
Last year, the Supreme Court struck down the fringe “ISL” theory. How did we get involved in one of the most important democracy lawsuits?
Governor Cooper’s 2023 Report Card
Governor Roy Cooper has consistently demonstrated steadfast resilience in confronting major polluters. Read his full report card.
PFAS Update
Every time you drink from the tap of your North Carolina residence, you unwittingly ingest PFAS: forever chemicals in our food and water.
2023 Adversaries and Allies
Each year we highlight some of the biggest allies and adversaries to environmental work in North Carolina. Here’s 2023’s Allies & Adversaries.
Draining the Future by Destroying North Carolina’s Wetlands
At least 2.5 million acres of vital wetlands are open for development in North Carolina due to the NC Farm Act of 2023. Read how we got here.
2023 Scorecard Can Guide 2024 Voting
Last week, we released the 2023 Legislative Scorecard, tracking the environmental voting scores of NC state legislators.

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