
Southgate Pipeline Deadline Extended By Federal Government

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Extends Southgate Pipeline Deadline

Despite strong opposition from the Cooper Administration and Democratic state legislators, local leaders, and Congressional Democrats, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has extended the deadline to build the Southgate Pipeline.

The FERC decision gives the owners of the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) until June 2026 to complete and bring into service the MVP Southgate extension. This extension would carry the MVP’s fracked gas onward from southern Virginia, across the state line, and through Rockingham and Alamance counties. Now, the fight shifts back to the environmental permits still needed from state and federal agencies for the MVP Southgate Pipeline extension.

Opposition Southgate Pipeline Extension

“FERC is allowing MVP Southgate to stumble along as a zombie project without any logical reason despite its potential harm to local communities,” said Mary Maclean Asbill, director of the Southern Environmental Law Center’s (SELC) North Carolina Offices. “FERC’s decision comes almost a year after gas power failed North Carolinians, leaving about 500,000 Carolina households in the cold and dark on Christmas Eve during freezing temperatures. In contrast, solar energy performed reliably when gas failed.” 

“FERC’s decision disregards the tens of thousands who weighed in asking for denial of the certificate extension” said Ridge Graham, NC program manager for Appalachian Voices. “Granting MVP Southgate more time to potentially endanger communities and water resources is appalling.” 

North Carolina’s own environmental regulatory authorities must do better in their analysis and decision on this damaging pipeline.

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