Legislative Watch: Supermajorities No More

Legislative Watch: Supermajorities No More

The endless 2017-18 state legislative sessions have finally ended, and legislators have gone home…at least for a few days.

That General Assembly, with anti-environment supermajorities in both chambers, gaveled itself to a final close on December 27 after overriding two last vetoes by Gov. Roy Cooper.

Unfortunately, the “technical corrections” bill, which was the old legislature’s final veto override, had been rejected by Gov. Cooper in substantial part because of its weakening of state controls on stormwater pollution. “Ending stormwater and water-quality protections threaten the safety of our communities,” wrote Cooper in his veto message. When the final summaries of this legislature’s damage are written, the environmental havoc it created will stand out among its chief marks of shame.

The new legislature, whose terms began January 1 by law, will see pro-environment legislators in both chambers hold sufficient votes to uphold Cooper’s vetoes of anti-environmental legislation like the above. Those new legislators come to Raleigh this Wednesday, January 9, to begin the 2019 long session, in which they will craft a budget, among other matters. They will likely be in session for about six months, so expect much more news on legislation of interest to environmental advocates.

Up next, Bringing Back Toxic Air >>

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