Offshore Wind Energy Keeps Advancing

The East U.S. Sees Advancements In Offshore Wind Energy

Offshore wind energy keeps advancing in the Central Atlantic. The Bureau of Wind Energy Management (BOEM) is moving forward with the Biden Administration’s commitment to develop America’s offshore wind energy. Last week, BOEM released for public comment its draft Environmental Assessment (EA) on Wind Energy Areas (WEA) in the Central Atlantic region. 

The draft assessment recommends moving forward with wind lease issuance and associated site assessment activities for three identified areas off the shores of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. BOEM estimates wind fields in these three areas could produce enough energy to power more than 2.2 million homes.

Recently, BOEM Director Elizabeth Klein conveyed their determination portrayed in a release. “BOEM will continue to work closely with our government partners, key stakeholders, and the public as we consider proposed offshore wind activities in the Central Atlantic. Our overarching goal is to ensure any development is done in a manner that avoids or reduces potential impacts to other ocean uses and the marine environment.” 

Additionally, one of the other potential sites in the Central Atlantic region, the Kitty Hawk site off the North Carolina coast, is already in the process of leasing development. 

To move the project forward, BOEM is seeking public comments on the draft EA and its recommendations. The public comment period extends through February 12 for written comments. In addition, BOEM will provide two virtual public hearings on January 30th at 5 p.m. and February 1st at 1 p.m. EST. 

More information and the comment links can be found here or here

The Politics That Could Shape The Advancement of Offshore Wind

We strongly support the appropriate development of offshore wind energy. It is an essential part of any comprehensive strategy for successfully reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The 2024 presidential election will determine whether wind energy and climate action supporters Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are re-elected to office for a second term. The alternative of returning Donald Trump to the office of president would likely derail the development of safe, clean, and affordable offshore wind energy. His election could once again shove climate action disastrously backward. As the national League of Conservation Voters (LCV) notes, there has never been a clearer choice for the future of humanity and the planet we all share.

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