Local Offshore Wind Support Strong

Comments from offshore wind energy’s in-state supporters surged past statements of concern during the public comment period for development off the North Carolina coast. The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management will use the comments it collected to help shape its final proposal for offshore wind leases in the 200-square-mile Wilmington East tract.

Comments were dominated by those who view offshore wind as an essential element of tackling climate change, as well as by organized labor representatives who see wind’s enormous potential to create career-sustaining jobs. As the convening organization of the NC Climate and Jobs Roundtable along with the state chapters of the AFL-CIO and A. Philip Randolph Institute, we fell in both camps. We contributed to the roundtable’s public comment.

“We do think that the current Wilmington East area is a preferred location for a wind project,” said Greg Andeck, government relations director for Audubon North Carolina. He added that “there’s still a lot more work that needs to be done before the project has steel in the ground.” Audubon emphasizes that it supports “responsible offshore wind” that takes necessary precautions to control impacts on birds. 

“This was a big push on our part because offshore wind is such a big priority of many of our affiliates,” said Aiden Graham, campaign manager and field director for the state AFL-CIO.

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