Campaign Watch: New Ninth District Election

Campaign Watch: New Ninth District Election

Last week, the North Carolina Board of Elections (SBE) ordered a new election in the Ninth Congressional District, after days of witness testimony proved catastrophic for the Mark Harris campaign.

By the end of the week’s hearings, the evidence of systematic absentee ballot fraud was so massive, and the conduct of Harris campaign operatives so clearly and intentionally egregious, that the candidate himself called for a new election before leaving the witness stand.

The SBE then quickly moved to call a new election, and the vote was unanimous. They will set dates for new primary and general elections in a subsequent meeting. The seat will remain unfilled in the meantime. More details of the key testimony can be found here.

Dan McCready, the candidate who trailed slightly in the now-voided election tallies, had already begun campaigning in anticipation of the special election, and officially kicked off his candidacy on Friday. McCready is supported by the national League of Conservation Voters (LCV), which has a GiveGreen fundraising page to make it easy for conservationists to support his campaign. It is unlikely Harris will run again, so there will likely be a competitive Republican primary to face McCready.

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