
Duke’s Plan Will Worsen Climate Catastrophe

Duke’s Carbon Plan Will Further Entrench North Carolina’s Dependency on Dirty Fossil-Fuel Energy Sources.

If adopted, Duke Energy’s latest version of its ‘Carbon Plan’ will lead North Carolina into climate catastrophe. A new analysis shows why.

Clean energy and climate action organizations analyzed Duke Energy’s proposed plan, and found it to be a massive failure across the board. 

Duke’s proposals would not just fail to reach North Carolina’s critical goals for reducing carbon pollution on the mandated schedule. They would guarantee continued massive pollution from fossil fuels for decades, resulting in a triple failure: boosting planet-heating pollution, failing to guarantee reliable electricity supply through proven renewable sources, and sending consumer electricity prices skyrocketing. 

Read the details on why Duke’s plans scored a failing “F” for the people of North Carolina. 

Top Takeaways

Here are the top takeaways from the Carbon Plan Scorecard:

  • Duke’s plan doesn’t meet NC’s state policy goal or requirements of the NCUC carbon plan order.
  • Duke’s plan implies significant costs and risks for electricity customers while minimizing the benefits of energy efficiency. Our scorecard covers why residents are paying the bill for industrial buildouts.
  • Duke’s overall assumptions favor new dirty fossil gas plants, rather than relying on a transition to renewable energy, which would negate any positive impact created by the retirement of the coal plants.
  • Much of Duke’s plan relies on technologies that are not yet available and have unknown future costs and timelines, rather than existing renewable technologies.

Read more about Duke Energy and how we are working to hold them accountable. Then sign our petition.

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