
Take Action! Public Hearings Underway on Climate Plan

The Public Hearings for Duke Energy’s Carbon Plan are Underway. Here’s How to Take Action.

After months of legal maneuvering and clashing claims by Duke Energy and consumer and climate advocates, the formal public hearings on Duke’s ‘Carbon Plan’ are underway. Concerned citizens can take part. 

The first public input hearings were held last week in Asheville and Charlotte. Testimony from families already suffering from Duke’s high bills was expected to play a prominent role. Last month we reviewed how the Duke plan would unnecessarily boost fossil fuel pollution, neglect clean energy opportunities, and radically increase electric bills for NC families. 

Two more in-person public input opportunities are scheduled for Wilmington and Durham on April 29 and 30, respectively. 

  • Monday April 29, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.: New Hanover County Courthouse, Courtroom 317, 316 Princess Street, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 
  • Tuesday, April 30, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.: Durham County Courthouse, Courtroom D7, 510 S. Dillard St., Durham, North Carolina 27701
  • In addition, there will be a virtual public hearing held via WebEx on Tuesday, April 23, beginning at 6:30 p.m. 

Take Action!

Please consider signing our petition to the North Carolina Utilities Commission to hold Duke Energy accountable. For more information on participating in the public input process, see the Fossil Free NC report on Duke’s latest plan and go to the “get involved” menu option.

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