
Esse Quam Videri – To Be, Rather Than To Seem

This Earth Day, Let’s Remember our State Motto “Esse Quam Videri” (To Be, Rather Than To Seem)

Across the globe, millions of people celebrate Earth Day. We use the day to reflect on our part in this wonderfully diverse planet. We search for better ways to live in harmony with not only the life around us, but the life of future generations.

At the same time, Earth Day has become a day when companies, politicians, and other anti-environmental actors try to cloud their true stance on the environment. Companies like Duke Energy, who push for more environmentally destructive methane gas plants, but want to be seen as eco-friendly. Politicians, like the anti-environmental leadership in the General Assembly, say they want to protect North Carolinians, but pass legislation that could leave NC more vulnerable to more frequent/intense natural disasters. 

It is becoming more and more difficult to sort through the greenwashing we see from companies and inauthentic politicians; so how do we do it?

How to Sort Through The Greenwashing Mess

Our work is crucial in identifying which NC politicians are truly for the environment, and which politicians want to seem like it. That’s why we release a yearly scorecard that shows you exactly what your legislators are up to. And that’s also why we will be at the General Assembly this Wednesday (April 24th) as they begin their short session. We evaluate NC politicians by being at the legislature and following the votes; but we don’t stop there. We also seek to hold them accountable for their votes. For example, this year we helped oust Michael Wray, who has the lowest lifetime score for a Democrat, by supporting pro-environmental advocate Rodney Pierce.

Additionally, we work alongside our sister organization–NCLCV Foundation–to work with coalitions and communities on Duke Energy’s dirty dealings. While Duke says our energy bills rise because of the shift to renewable energy sources, they truly are raising our bills to pay their millionaire CEO and stockholders more. Plus, they want to build out more dirty methane gas facilities, which also means our rates will increase. You can access the Carbon Plan scorecard here. To learn more and to get involved with our work to Hold Duke Energy accountable, click here.

How To Be, Rather than to Seem

Individually, there are countless ways we can be better towards our planet. But here at NCLCV, we believe the most important thing you can do for the environment is to vote. Under Governor Cooper’s Administration, we have seen what great leadership can do for our environment. Under President Trump, we saw what awful leadership did to our national environment and our democracy. Who we elect truly shapes the protections we and the environment have. Now is not the time to elect anti-environmental candidates.

Our Promise

This Earth Day, we promise to continue to be at the legislature and do everything we can to elect pro-environmental leaders. We continue to help communities get access to funds from the biggest investment in the climate crisis yet. And we will continue to seek to hold companies accountable for their pollution into our air, our water, and our land. 

We sincerely wish you a happy Earth Day! Thank you for joining us in this work, and we hope you will truly be an advocate for the environment this year.

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