Anti-Wind Bill Back on Fast Track

wind ban

The state Senate must be caught in a cyclone because terrible anti-wind proposals keep coming back around and around. Click here to contact your senator in opposition to the new wind energy ban. The state of our clean energy economy depends on it.

Sen. Harry Brown’s obsession with closing North Carolina’s coast to wind energy projects just won’t end. After he failed to ban wind energy projects in the budget bill, Sen. Brown moved to a freestanding bill, Senate Bill 377. This so-called “Military Base Protection Act” would impose a three-year moratorium on wind energy. Simply put, this bill would mean three more years of no new wind energy projects on our coast. This proposal comes only five months after an 18-month ban on wind projects ended. But there is no reason to fight wind energy in North Carolina.

Wind energy is completely carbon-free. It has massive potential to produce clean electricity along the Atlantic coast of North Carolina and other states. New wind projects could lower both carbon emissions and our electric bills. In short, these projects would improve the economy and our environment. But Sen. Brown’s proposal would bar our state from taking advantage of this resource. And a Senate vote to pass the measure could come any day this week.

NCLCV Executive Director Carrie Clark had this to say about the bill:

“Their excuse is that windmills would threaten military operations, but that’s baloney. The military already approves projects before they’re built. Clean wind energy creates jobs and lowers carbon emissions and our electric bills. Wind is good for our health and our economy.”

Up next, “High Level” No More? >>

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