Poll Workers Needed to Keep Democracy Going!

Poll Worker Recruitment Day is tomorrow (Tuesday, August 16), and we need your help! That is the kickoff event this year for the Conservation Voter Movement’s (CVM) campaign to help ensure enough volunteers to keep our nation’s polling places operating safely and fairly.

As attacks by anti-democratic politicians mount against voting rights, their slanders questioning the integrity of the voting process have brought threats against polling officials themselves. These efforts to intimidate election officials and volunteers bring to mind the abuses typical of dictatorial regimes. As we saw in the 2020 election and its aftermath, the hard work and courage of honest election officials are the underappreciated essential line of defense for our democracy itself.

In 2020 with a pandemic threatening the health of people and our democracy alike, League of Conservation Voters Education Fund (LCVEF) and the state-level groups of the CVM, including NCLCV, were among the many organizations that partnered with Power the Polls to recruit over 700,000 poll workers to ensure that every voter had the chance to have their voices heard on Election Day. Since then, we see that poll workers are more important than ever. That’s why we’re working harder than ever to recruit the next generation of polling place heroes. Are you or a friend interested in being one of them? Register here!

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