Executive Watch: Scientist Named to Head Advisory Panel

Executive Watch: Scientist Named to Head Advisory Panel

In the era of Trump, it can be noteworthy when a major state agency does its job by naming a real scientist to an important post calling for actual environmental science expertise.

The NC Dept. of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and Dept. of Health and Human Services (HSS) last week did that by naming a highly regarded scientist at the University of North Carolina to head its newly formed Secretaries’ Scientific Advisory Board. Jamie Bartram, described as a “distinguished UNC professor who has written about the Flint water crisis and other drinking water contamination issues” was founding director of The Water Institute at UNC Chapel Hill. The Water Institute is a division of UNC’s Gillings School of Global Public Health, and studies water quality issues around the world.

The new cross-department Scientific Advisory Board will review environmental contaminants, assist in identifying emerging threats, and consult on potential regulations. It will meet at least six times annually.

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