
Follow the Money

Follow the Money, You’ll Know Which Candidates Stand with the Environment

In this year of unprecedented importance for the future of our nation and planet, one old rule remains the same. You can tell who is beholden to a special interest by tracking the campaign money trail.

Like an oil slick in the water, there’s no stronger or clearer money trail in politics today than the one connecting Big Oil and Donald Trump. And the Oil Lobby is making it clear that they are ready to collect. 


Big Oil in Presidential Race

“An influential oil and gas industry group whose members were aggressively pursued for campaign cash by Donald Trump has drafted detailed plans for dismantling landmark Biden administration climate rules after the presidential election, according to internal documents obtained by The Washington Post.” 

Plans prepared by the American Exploration and Production Council (AXPC) ”reveal a comprehensive industry effort to reverse climate initiatives advanced during the past nearly four years of Democratic leadership.” They notably “call for a repeal of more than a half-dozen executive orders that lie at the center of the Biden administration’s efforts to combat climate change.”


Big Oil in Our State

At the state level in North Carolina, we can also see a plain track of influence, including funding, between Duke Energy and the right-wing climate science denier “think tank” John Locke Foundation. Locke has since published reports and analyses backing Duke’s plans for more nuclear and methane gas power production and attacking wind and other renewable energy development options.

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