
The Climate Action Divide

The Difference in Federal, State Climate Action Illustrates Need To Elect Local Environmental Leaders

The Biden-Harris Administration is receiving accolades from the national League of Conservation Voters (LCV) on two accounts. First, they applaud the administration for investing in our nation’s grids, transmission, and clean energy. Second, they applaud the administrations for “creating over 240,000 electric vehicle jobs across the country.

NC Needs Climate Action

The news is grimmer at the state level in North Carolina, thanks to terrible policy decisions by the pro-polluter supermajority in the NC General Assembly. This supermajority passed building codes that took us backward in addressing climate change. These changes disqualified our state $70 million in disaster prep funds. Can you guess where more than a quarter of this funding could have been allocated?

NC Newsline reports that of the $70 million, $18 million (~26%) would have helped western North Carolina to prepare for floods. Instead of investing in climate resiliency, the pro-polluter super-majority caved to the North Carolina Home Builders Association – a major political funder – and delayed updating building code. NC Newsline reports, “These delays put North Carolina behind most other coastal states vying for flood mitigation projects.”

What Can You Do?

These are hard times for so many North Carolinians, and we ask you to donate to Western NC Hurricane Relief efforts. Additionally, we ask you to help us elect leaders who will invest in climate mitigation and resiliency efforts by educating your vote and donating today.

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