A Chilling Reminder of the Stakes in Control of the Courts

The U.S. Supreme Court has set arguments in the case of Moore v. Harper for December 7. This case has become the vehicle by which North Carolina Republican legislative leaders are asking that Court to declare that the U.S. Constitution gives state legislatures the right to ignore their own state courts and constitutions when they set election rules. 

NCLCV and CIB have warned of the severe consequences of granting state legislatures such unprecedented authority. Without the ability of state courts and voters to reign in extreme partisan gerrymandering, those legislators would enjoy the ability to draw their own district lines in a manner that guarantees their perpetual re-elections. That would effectively end many states’ existence as functioning democracies.

See the analysis in NC Policy Watch last week on the chilling consequences of ending state judicial review of legislatures’ redistricting maps and other election laws. 

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