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Speak Out Against Gerrymandering

Democracy is under threat in North Carolina like never before, and your voice is needed now to save it. After failing to meet promises of a fair and open process, state legislative leaders unveiled a set of grossly imbalanced, partisan legislative and congressional district maps last week. They show every intent of ramming these undemocratic maps through on a partisan basis with minimal public comment opportunity, and now is the time to speak up.

Democracy advocates are urging people to speak at the hearings today and tomorrow, October 25 and 26, and tell legislators how these gerrymandered maps fail to properly represent your communities. Common Cause has analysis on the proposed maps and the details on when, where, and how to comment, either in person or online.

On October 22, the Senate and House redistricting committees released their congressional, House, and Senate maps, along with the public hearing schedule, and gave the concerned public just three days to review them and prepare comment.

“North Carolinians are being shut out of the redistricting process,” said Democracy North Carolina interim co-director Cheryl Carter. “This gives the public only a few days to track down maps, analyze them, and prepare comments. Can’t find the maps? That’s because they aren’t linked on the General Assembly’s main webpage. Don’t know how to read the maps? Too bad, because the NCGA has not included any educational info to help you understand the redistricting process. This is unacceptable – we have to demand better.”

In order to help concerned citizens speak up, the NC Counts Coalition prepared this guide to the process, and All on the Line NC has talking points on the maps and a guide to making an effective public comment. We suggest you read these before making your voice heard.

Both chambers could vote on the maps as soon as next week, and Gov. Cooper cannot legally veto them. Our only hope is in the state courts, where litigation is bound to determine our state’s fate. Your public comments can help build the case for overturning the maps and getting a set of fair maps for the next decade.

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