Cooper Pitches Offshore Wind

Long an opponent of offshore oil drilling, Gov. Roy Cooper said in a speech last week that it’s time to move forward with offshore wind development as part of a clean energy future. Addressing a conference in Cary hosted by the Southeastern Wind Coalition, Cooper said, “Part of that [clean energy] future needs to be wind — particularly offshore wind.”

Tell Gov. Cooper you appreciate his clean energy leadership!

Speaking of some state Senate leaders’ renewed push for another moratorium on wind energy development in the state, Cooper added, “Lemme just tell you right now: There’s gonna be no more moratoriums in North Carolina, I can guarantee you that. I would veto any kind of wind moratorium, and I believe that any veto can be sustained. There’s now enough political will across the aisle to fend off the negative things.”

Cooper also noted the large potential economic development benefits of wind energy, especially to states which play a leading role in the manufacture of wind turbine components. He said that his administration would find a way to move forward with a delayed study on the jobs and economic boost from developing that supply chain infrastructure here.

Let your legislators know you want them to follow Gov. Cooper’s example and implement his clean energy plan!

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