Campaign Watch: Congressional Election Still in Question

Campaign Watch: Congressional Election Still in Question

Unfolding evidence of genuine election fraud involving absentee ballots has shifted North Carolina’s Ninth Congressional District back into the undecided column.

By a strong bipartisan margin, the state elections board has declined to certify that election’s results, and opened an investigation into the apparently systematic illegal absentee ballot operation in Bladen and Robeson Counties on behalf of the leading candidate, Mark Harris. With the unofficial margin between Harris and LCV-endorsed candidate Dan McCready now fewer than 1,000 votes, and potentially thousands of absentee votes in question, McCready has withdrawn his concession.

It’s noteworthy that the alleged fraudulent activities would not have been stopped by the voter ID legislation adopted by the legislature last week. They involve a subcontractor working for a political firm employed by Harris illegally collecting signed but incomplete absentee ballots from voters.

Harris was credited with receiving the votes of more than 61% of the absentee ballots returned in Bladen County, even though registered Republicans accounted for only 19% of the requested absentee ballots. In the district’s other seven counties, McCready received a majority of the votes cast by absentee ballot. Harris had previously been credited with the votes of 96% of the absentee ballots returned in Bladen County in his win in the Republican primary in May.

In addition, more than 1,000 absentee ballots were requested in neighboring Robeson County but never returned, raising questions about what occurred in those cases. Investigation of the activities is continuing, with a state board hearing expected by December 21.

Both Republican and Democratic party officials publicly support a new election if it can be shown that the illegal activities affected enough votes to change the results.

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