Kerry Wiggins Appointed to the NC Human Relations Commission

In our work, we have so many amazing folks working to protect our communities, our democracy, and our environment. We want to highlight some of these amazing folks, so each month, we will be spotlighting someone going above and beyond!

Kerry Wiggins: A Lifetime of Service

We are delighted to share that Kerry Wiggins, Director of our Boards and Commissions program, was recently appointed to the North Carolina Human Relations Commission. 

Kerry has a lifetime of service. She is a veteran of the United States Army National Guard, and she has more than a decade of experience working with community-based organizations. 

Kerry has experience building equity and access to education, especially for children attending Title 1 Schools. She has worked with several nonprofit organizations, such as the YMCA of Northwest North Carolina and Goodwill Industries. Prior to joining NC League of Conservation Voters Foundation (NCLCVF), Kerry also worked as a patient advocate for a behavioral health hospital. 

As the first director of the NC League of Conservation Voters Foundation’s Boards and Commissions program, Kerry has taken the program from an idea to an organization that serves 17 counties, as it prepares members of underserved communities to effectively serve on Boards and Commissions that will inspire change and create a reflective and inclusive government. Graduates of the Boards and Commissions program have an exceptionally high success rate for appointment to positions that lead their communities.  

Kerry has an MS in Human Services from Cappella University, a BS in Sociology from Winston-Salem State University, and an Associates Degree in Human Services from Forsyth Technical Community College.

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