Fossil Fuel Cash Funds the Anti-Wind Movement

How Fossil Fuel Cash Continues To Undermine Climate Action

A new study details how cash from fossil-fuel interests is funding fake “grassroots” organizations which feed local efforts to block wind energy projects off our Eastern coast.

The study, compiled by Brown University’s Climate and Development Lab, documents “how fossil fuel interests are working with climate denial think tanks and community groups to obstruct offshore wind projects.”

The community groups identified in the study “appear to be new organizations that operate organically and independently, but they often share legal support, personnel, talking points, and financial resources with major organizations that have been blocking climate policy for the last several decades. Knowingly or not, they are executing a strategy laid out for them by climate obstructionists in 2012.”

In particular, the study shows “think tanks in the anti-offshore wind movement have received donations from six fossil fuel-interested donors between 2017 and 2021. Of these donations, $16,278,401 has gone to members of a grassroots-appearing coalition at the center of the movement.”

Read the full report “Against the Wind: A Map of the Anti-Offshore Wind Network in the Eastern United States.”

Why Is This Concerning For North Carolinians?

First, North Carolinians understand the harm that fossil fuels pose to our future, according to a new poll. A large majority of North Carolina voters (75%) say it is important for the state to increase its use of clean and renewable energy sources. Specifically, 62% say it is important for the state to reduce its use of fossil fuels. Additionally, two in three voters (67%) want North Carolina to speed up the transition to clean and renewable energy.

Second, big polluters have continually wielded their power over North Carolina’s Republican-controlled legislature. Time and time again, the legislature has put profit before people, and let companies pollute our water, our land, and our air. Thus, we must hold them accountable.

So, how can you hold your legislators accountable? Vote! We believe the most important thing you can do for the environment is vote. Then tell your friends. Check your registration status here.

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