Climate Change Update: Hottest Year on Record…Again

For the third year in a row, data collected in 2016 show that the earth has just experienced its hottest year on record.
In fact, 2016 marked the first time in the historical record that the “hottest year on record” was recorded three times in successive record-breaking years. Sixteen of the 17 hottest global years on record have now occurred since 2000.
For the rational observer—not, say, a politician in the financial pocket of the fossil fuel industry—this is scary stuff. We at CIB don’t print a lot of items like this just to say ‘woe is us’. We do share it with our readers to make it easy for you to share with family and friends.
The New York Times article linked above, for example, includes a dramatic moving graphic illustrating how the problem is accelerating over time. Even skeptical Uncle Grump may be impressed. You can pass it on.