Education & Resources: The Economics of Small Rooftop Solar

Education & Resources: The Economics of Small Rooftop Solar

Why has Duke Energy fought so hard against the attempt by a small Greensboro church to finance its rooftop solar electric system through a deal with another small non-profit group?

Rooftop solar
Rooftop solar in Kings Mountain, North Carolina (photo credit: Department of Energy)

Environmental journalist Lisa Sorg explains how the economics of small solar systems can threaten the business model of the largest American power company. If more customers can generate most of their own electricity, Duke doesn’t have such a free hand in passing on the costs of overpriced huge power plants. That, in turn, influences corporate investment decisions.

Read more here about the mouse that’s spooking the elephant and why.

Up next: who will have the power to decide executive authority in North Carolina: the Governor or the state legislature? >>

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