Education & Resources: The Facts About Solar

Education & Resources: The Facts About Solar

Are there real environmental concerns with the growing number of solar power farms in North Carolina and the Southeast? A new analysis from the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) suggests that opponents of growing solar are operating in the dark.

SELC has released a policy brief titled, “The Environmental Review of Solar Farms in the Southeast U.S.: Maximizing Benefits & Minimizing Impacts to Drive Smart, Sustainable Development of Solar Power.” It’s written to help inform the deliberations of local governments and other policy-makers considering regulations in this arena. The report compares costs and benefits of solar power and its alternatives, examines relevant environmental review processes, and considers the ways that solar developers can be sensitive to environmental and other community concerns. The full report can be found here.

Those looking for a short, illustrated handout summarizing the report’s findings can get that here.

Next: join NCLCV on Wednesday, May 10th for our 10th Green Tie Awards featuring environmental champion, Governor Roy Cooper, as the evening’s keynote speaker >>

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