Gov. Roy Cooper’s 2018 Report Card

Overall, Governor Cooper earns an A for his actions during the legislative biennium. Throughout his first two years in office, he has consistently advocated for environmental policies that protect communities, strengthen the economy, and improve North Carolinians’ lives. When faced with environmental challenges, Cooper has worked swiftly and surely to identify the problems and implement solutions.

Governor Cooper has prioritized moving North Carolina towards a cleaner, more sustainable future, and has worked to allow state environmental agencies to exercise the full scope of their authority. Despite being limited by the General Assembly’s environmental deregulation agenda, he has made progress on several environmental fronts. The Governor does not vote on bills, so his score is based on his executive decisions, including which bills he decides to sign into law or veto, his public statements, and executive orders.

More Scorecard

A Message from Our Director
The 2017 Long Session: Poison Pills and Poisoned Water
The 2018 Short Session: Shutting the People Out, Handing the Keys to Corporate Polluters
How Did the General Assembly Respond to GenX?
Adversaries and Allies
Gov. Roy Cooper’s 2018 Report Card
Constitutional Amendments
What To Do Now

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