P.O. Box 12671
Raleigh, NC 27605
©2025. All rights reserved.

NC League of Conservation Voters (NCLCV) is the state’s leading pragmatic, nonpartisan voice for our state’s environment. Members like you are fighting for clean air, clean water, and clean energy for every North Carolinian. Join us in that fight now!
Conservation Council of NC (now NCLCV) was formed by largely academic types to protect NC’s natural resources. They used citizen education, lawsuits, and advocacy as their primary tactics. They recognized early on that we needed to make the environment a part of governmental decisions.
Conservation Foundation of NC, NCLCV’s sister organization, is established as a 501(c)3, and acts as the first land trust in the state, protecting 10-15 small tracts of special lands.
Governor Bob Scott decides to conserve, instead of develop Bald Head Island.
NC Conservation Council fought against Army Corps of Engineers to remind them of their duty of environmental protection.
In support of a bill that would include New River in the U.S. Wild and Scenic River System, John Curry and Wade Barber of North Carolina Conservation Council canoed along the New into the Gauley River in West Virginia.
Lobbied to protect New Hope Reservoir, Joyce Kilmer Wilderness, and New River
Went to court to see that environmental regulations were observed at Bald Head Island, New Hope Reservoir, Jordan Lake
Conservation Council of North Carolina releases a resolution in support of: Beaucatcher Mtn. Defense Fund, Clean Energy Petition, State Park on Eno River, and Mass Transportation Systems.
Bill Holman becomes the first environmental lobbyist for Conservation Council of North Carolina (CCNC) and is rated as one of the top six lobbyists in North Carolina. He worked for CCNC, Sierra Club, and NC Wildlife Federation.
CCNC teaches Environmental Management Commission to meet tighter emission limits.
Conservation Council Lobbies the General Assembly against North Carolina’s ratification of the Southeastern Radioactive Waste Compact.
CCNC’s Past President, Dan Besse, is appointed by Gov. Martin to serve a second term as Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission, which sets guidelines for coastal development.
Gov. Jim Martin and Lt. Gov. Bob Jordan presented their views and promises on environmental issues.
Hunter Lovins, internationally renowned alternative energy expert, participated in the conference, “How energy choices affect us and how we can affect energy choices.”
CCNC supports the Coastal Resources Commission ban of “hardening” the coast with seawalls and bulkheads
Helped pass the Pollution Prevention Pays bill which was a solid waste management act goal to reduce waste by 40%.
Within CCNC’s position paper, issues such as toxic air emissions, urban air pollution, acid rain, and pollution prevention are emphasized.
Priorities stated in the Conservation Council of North Carolina’s Environmental Blueprint included those affecting air quality, such as: toxic air emissions, urban air pollution, and acid rain.
Carrie joined NCLCV as the Executive Director, after working in the environmental community since 1996.
NCLCV established the Conservation PAC in order to work directly to elect candidates to office who share our values–who care about clean air, safe water, and our unique landscapes…Candidates who understand that a sound environment, a strong economy, and healthy communities go hand in hand.
Brought our clean power plants up to current air quality standards. This was the biggest win of a decade.
The1st Annual Green Tie Awards Dinner was held in 2007, honoring individuals who have made particularly great contributions to the protecting North Carolina’s environment. Former Speaker of the N.C. House Joe Hackney received the inaugural Jane Sharp Lifetime Environmental Champion Award in honor of his longtime advocacy of environmental issues in N.C. General Assembly. Speaker Hackney was, himself, a member of NCLCV during the early years of the group when it held meetings in Mrs. Sharp’s basement.
Which required that 12.5% of North Carolina’s energy must be provided through renewable energy resources or energy efficiency measures by 2021.
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P.O. Box 12671
Raleigh, NC 27605
Help us fight for fair maps, free elections, clean air, clean water, and clean energy for every North Carolinian!
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