What you made happen in 2016

The one-two punch of the holidays and the end of a tumultuous year may leave you feeling drained, unsure of what’s ahead for the state and country you love and the people who call it home.

So, between bites of turkey, a mad slew of tweets, and another trip down memory lane with relatives from near and far, we want to make sure that you know how much all of us at the NC League of Conservation Voters appreciate your support in 2016!

To show our gratitude, we put together a quick video (see above) of highlights from this year, showing what we were able to accomplish because of your financial gifts, your advocacy, and your trust in us to champion your voice in the NC General Assembly and in our communities.

Together, we experienced major wins (protecting North Carolina’s coast from offshore oil drilling; stopping some of the worst anti-environmental legislation; and electing a pro-people Governor) and some major disappointments (the election of a pro-fossil fuel climate change denying President seems to cast the biggest shadow over the previous 11 months)

Thank you for what you have done and what you will continue to do in order to ensure we protect and preserve what makes North Carolina the ideal place to live, work, and play.

Ready for 2017? Jump start next year now by making a one-time gift to NCLCV. Better yet, turn that one-time donation into ongoing financial support by becoming one of our Green GEMs (sustainers who Give Every Month). Thank you!

environmental justice

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legislative battlegrounds on climate

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