NCLCV Calls on Gov. McCrory to Concede Election

NCLCV calls on Gov. Pat McCrory to concede election

NC voters elected pro-environmental candidate Roy Cooper to lead state

Dan Crawford, director of governmental relations with the NC League of Conservation Voters, issued the following statement on the North Carolina gubernatorial election:

“The voters spoke on November 8th and elected Roy Cooper to be the next Governor of North Carolina. Pat McCrory’s history of protecting polluters, gutting clean air and water protections, and failing to clean up toxic coal ash cost him the Executive Mansion. Now, it’s time for McCrory to respect the will of the people and concede the election to Governor-elect Cooper. It’s beyond time for North Carolina to move forward toward a clean energy future with a true environmental champion at the helm.”


NC League of Conservation Voters is a nonpartisan advocacy organization dedicated to protecting, preserving, and enhancing North Carolina’s natural environment.  NCLCV has been working to protect North Carolina’s environment and our citizen’s health for nearly 50 years, turning environmental values into North Carolina priorities.  NCLCV’s vision for the future of North Carolina is that all citizens and our elected decision-makers will better understand and appreciate North Carolina’s unique natural environment, and the integral role it plays in North Carolina’s economy and quality of life. Visit for more information.

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