
Meet 2014 Stanback Intern: Kyle Thomas

rsz_kyle_and_emily1) Where is home for you, Kyle?

I have lived in North Carolina for the past 10 years and am proud to call this wonderful state home. North Carolina seems to strike a perfect balance for me: it is blessed with both the mountains and the beach with all sizes of cities in between.

2) Where are you on your higher education path?

I am pursing my Master of Environmental Management (MEM) at Duke University. I have a keen interest in the relationship between energy and the environment.

3) Why did you choose to work in the environmental field?

I’ve always had an affinity for nature. As a child I spent a great deal of time outdoors; family vacations revolved around North Carolina beaches. While looking at universities for undergraduate studies, I was attracted to the Sustainable Development program at Appalachian State University (ASU). I went to ASU specifically for that degree (the stunning mountain vistas didn’t hurt either). After graduation, I spent a year working as a biodiesel technician. It was this work that cemented my interest in renewable energy.

4) What are some of your fondest memories of being out in North Carolina’s natural wonders?

One of my favorite memories is tubing in the western part of the state. In the summer my friends and I would trek out to West Jefferson and spend a lazy day floating down the river. It was a fantastic way to spend time with friends while enjoying the simple pleasures of the river and mountains.

5) What will your internship responsibilities be this summer with the NC League of Conservation Voters (NCLCV)?

I will be investigating policy surrounding fracking. My goal is to ensure that the rules surrounding fracking are sound and enforceable. Now that the Energy Modernization Act has passed, it is increasingly important to ensure that strong rules and regulations are in place.

6) How do you see this opportunity as a Stanback intern affecting your future education and work?

I am being exposed to a side of energy and policy that I have not experienced before. I am seeing firsthand how laws can be crafted in our state. When I return to Duke in the fall, I hope to use what I learn at NCLCV to further understand how policy can shape our state’s energy future.

If you are interested to learn more about what Kyle is working on this summer, please contact him at kyle@nclcv.org

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