
Meet 2014 Stanback Intern: Sarah Collins

rsz_sarah_collins_2014_stanback_intern1) Where is home for you, Sarah?

Born and raised in Palm Harbor, Florida (15 minutes from beautiful Clearwater Beach), I came to North Carolina for college. I chose Duke University for its great academics and athletics; I was recruited for the fencing team and am currently co-captain of the team. When I first set foot on campus on my initial recruiting trip, I knew Duke was where I wanted to be. My mother was so weary of how beautiful the weather and campus was with its sunshine and blooming flowers that she made me come back to visit later in September of that year before committing.

2) Where are you on your higher education path?

Currently, I am a senior pursuing my BA in Public Policy with minors in Sociology and Cultural Anthropology. I find that a sound combination of policy and politics is essential for my future. What I do with this combination, however, is still up in the air!

3) Why did you choose to work in the environmental field?

Although I do not have much experience in environmental issues or policy thus far, recent events such as the coal ash spill in the Dan River and the potential for fracking to begin prompted me to get involved. I wanted to understand and try to help in any way that I could.

4) What are some of your fondest memories of being out in North Carolina’s natural wonders?

Duke’s fencing team takes a camping trip to Jordan Lake at the beginning of the year to get to know new team members and have some bonding away from campus. The site is always beautiful with plenty of green trees, and the water is always warm, blue, and clear. Last year we were unable to go due to schedule conflicts, and everyone was upset to have missed the trip. I am working with the coaches now to make sure that this experience is on the agenda for this year.

5) What will your internship responsibilities be this summer with the NC League of Conservation Voters (NCLCV)?

.At NCLCV this summer I am working alongside another Stanback Intern to develop a power map of the NC General Assembly. By conducting in-depth research on voting patterns and tendencies, our goal is to be able to forecast votes on critical legislation and to see if we can use that to our advantage for aiding in pro-conservation legislation.

6) How do you see this opportunity as a Stanback intern affecting your future education and work?

As a Stanback intern, I am allowed to find an opportunity with a small nonprofit that I would not have found otherwise. Also by working through NCLCV, I will be able to have a hands-on experience on what is happening across the state in multiple aspects of the organization. By juggling multiple hats within NCLCV, I will have the experience of a lifetime learning what most people learn and experience in three years what I will experience in three months. Mr. Stanback has given me the opportunity to grow and come one step closer to figuring out what I want to do with my life.

If you are interested to learn more about what Sarah is working on this summer, please contact her at sarah@nclcv.org.

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