Michael Wray Urged to Concede His Defeat Immediately

Michael Wray Lost His Democratic Primary This Week After Voting with Anti-Environmental Leadership 85% of the Time In Raleigh

March 7, 2024

The NC League of Conservation Voters today is calling on lame duck State Representative Michael Wray to concede his defeat in Tuesday’s primary in which voters in North Carolina’s 27th state House District chose his opponent, Rodney Pierce.

“Michael Wray must immediately concede after voters rejected him in this election,” said Dan Crawford, Director of Governmental Relations at the North Carolina League of Conservation Voters. “Wray has voted with anti-environmental leadership 85% of the time, including to cut public education funding while spending millions for a Civil War Museum and going along with GOP efforts to refuse critical health care access that residents of this district need. That’s unacceptable. Voters deserve a representative who will actually vote to serve their constituents and prioritize the people of Northeast North Carolina. That’s why on Tuesday they chose Rodney Pierce to finally provide the representation they deserve in Raleigh.”

Background On Michael Wray’s Voting History

  • In Raleigh, Wray has voted with anti-environmental leadership 85% of the time. His record includes:
  • Backing cuts to public schools in his district while voting to spend $59M for a proposed Civil War Museum;
  • Supporting a budget that didn’t include Medicaid expansion that would provide critical health insurance coverage to half-a-million North Carolinians, and especially for communities of color;
  • Voting with leadership to make abortion more difficult for North Carolina women to access; and
  • Voting with anti-environmental leadership to rollback protections on 2.5 million acres of vital wetlands in North Carolina


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