Mission and Vision

NCLCV Mission Statement

The North Carolina League of Conservation Voters (NCLCV) is a pragmatic, results-oriented, non-partisan organization whose mission is to protect the health and quality of life for all North Carolinians, with an intentional focus on systematically excluded communities of color.  We elect environmental champions, advocate for environmental policies that protect our communities, and hold elected leaders accountable for their decisions. We create a political environment that will protect our natural environment.

We fulfill our mission by:

Winning Elections for the Environment: We elect candidates for office in North Carolina who will stand up for a clean, healthy environment, and defeat anti-conservation candidates, regardless of party. NCLCV and our Conservation PAC support candidates through endorsements, contributions, and strategic independent expenditure campaigns to educate voters about candidates’ environmental records. 

Advocating for Environmental Policies that Protect our Communities and Families: Whether it’s supporting clean energy, ensuring clean water and air protections, or holding polluters accountable, we advocate for pragmatic, just environmental policies that protect the health of our communities, and contribute to a strong economy. 

Holding Legislators Accountable: North Carolinians understand the value of, and have the right to clean water and air. They are proud of our “mountains to sea” landscapes. We work to ensure that our elected leaders align their decisions with that reality.

Our Vision

Every person in North Carolina has equitable access to participate in a thriving democracy that represents and is accountable to their communities and in a government which prioritizes clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment, especially for those communities first and worst impacted by environmental injustices.

We believe:

  • Voting is the most important thing we can do for the environment.
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion are as important as clean air and clean water.
  • Everyone has a right to vote and a right to breathe clean air.
environmental justice

Join the Fight

Help us fight for fair maps, free elections, clean air, clean water, and clean energy for every North Carolinian!

legislative battlegrounds on climate

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