
NCLCV Launches Campaign Targeting Representatives Moffitt, Presnell, and Ramsey

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 30, 2014

CONTACT: Dan Crawford, Director of Governmental Relations, NC League of Conservation Voters; dan@nclcv.org, 919-839-0020 or 919-539-1422

* View the ads here *
“Buddies” – http://youtu.be/dc9bCX3PlQs
“Messes” – http://youtu.be/IaGbprHBHF0

Raleigh, NC – North Carolina League of Conservation Voters (NCLCV) today launched a $515,000 campaign targeting Representatives Nathan Ramsey, Michele Presnell, and Tim Moffitt for votes they’ve cast preventing cleanup of coal ash pollution and fast tracking hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) in North Carolina. The campaign includes television, mail, and phone calls across the three western House districts.

“Western North Carolina deserves leaders who will place their constituents’ well-being ahead of corporate polluters. Representatives Moffitt, Presnell, and Ramsey have voted for special interests at every turn and the people need to know about their poor decisions,” said Dan Crawford, director of governmental relations for NCLCV, and a native of Asheville.

The campaign includes two television ads that begin airing on September 30 in the western media market. The ads highlight Representatives Ramsey, Presnell, and Moffit’s votes during the last legislative session that could threaten North Carolinians with ongoing pollution from ten remaining coal ash ponds. It also includes a mail campaign in the district calling out the legislators for voting for a law that could allow Duke Energy to raise rates for North Carolina families to pay for the cleanup costs of their toxic coal ash sites.

Both Rep. Presnell and Rep. Moffitt have a lifetime score of 0 out of 100 on NCLCV’s Conservation Scorecard, and Rep. Ramsey earned a 13% during his first term. Last year’s Scorecard revealed a record low with nearly half the entire North Carolina General assembly receiving a 0. The 2014 Conservation Scorecard will be released soon and tells a similar story.

Environmental issues are playing a prominent role in the political debate across North Carolina. From Dare County to Buncombe, North Carolinians are concerned about threats to their drinking water, communities, and families. NCLCV believes who you elect matters. North Carolina needs leaders who understand that a sound environment, a strong economy, and healthy communities go hand in hand.


NC League of Conservation Voters is a statewide environmental advocacy organization dedicated to protecting, preserving, and enhancing North Carolina’s natural environment. NCLCV has been working to protect North Carolina’s environment and our citizen’s health for over 45 years, turning environmental values into North Carolina priorities. NCLCV’s vision for the future of North Carolina is that all citizens and our elected decision-makers will better understand and appreciate North Carolina’s unique natural environment, and the integral role it plays in North Carolina’s economy and quality of life.

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