
Rehearing Harper v. Hall

NCLCV Statement on Rehearing of Harper v. Hall by the NC Supreme Court

Raleigh, N.C. – Today, in response to the North Carolina’s re-hearing of Harper v. Hall, the NC League of Conservation Voters (NCLCV) released the following statement from Carrie Clark, executive director:

Our belief throughout this process is that every voter has the right to cast a ballot for the environment in free and fair elections and have their voice heard. The North Carolina Supreme Court originally ruled that the legislature had violated our state constitution and that the gerrymanders must be replaced. We don’t believe anything in our state constitution has changed and hope the current Supreme Court doesn’t take an unprecedented step of overturning its prior decision. Our constitution and laws spell out judicial oversight of redistricting, which ensures free and fair elections. Ultimately, this is how lawmakers are held accountable and how our organization stands up for clean air and water for the people of North Carolina.


The North Carolina League of Conservation Voters (NCLCV) is a pragmatic, results-oriented, nonpartisan advocacy organization whose mission is to protect the health and quality of life for all North Carolinians, with an intentional focus on systematically excluded communities of color. We elect environmental champions, advocate for environmental policies that protect our communities, and hold elected leaders accountable for their decisions. We have worked for over 50 years to create the political environment that will protect our natural environment.

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