
Your Environmental Values Are Our Priorities

The NC League of Conservation Voters (NCLCV) is the state’s leading pragmatic, nonpartisan voice for our state’s environment. Members like you are fighting for clean air, clean water, and clean energy for every North Carolinian. Join us in that fight now!

Defenders of Clean Air, Clean Water, and Clean Energy

We’re not just a presence at the General Assembly; we’re a voice at the ballot box. Join us in safeguarding North Carolina’s environment, clean air, clean water, and promoting clean energy.

2024 Green Tie Awards

We host our annual Green Tie Awards to honor environmental champions who have stepped up and spoken out on our issues at the General Assembly and in the public. See photos, videos, and highlights of the night, featuring our keynote speaker, Attorney General Josh Stein. 

Current Issues

Climate Crisis

What Is “Project 2025”?
Here, we take a look at Project 2025 and its implications on environmental protections, clean energy, and more.
EMC Blocks Action on “Forever Chemicals”
The NC Environmental Management Commission (EMC) has blocked action on a key set of rules needed to protect public drinking water.
LCVEF Expands Voter Registration
The League of Conservation Voters Education Fund (LCVEF) is working to expand voter registration programs in nine states, including NC.
Biden’s Infrastructure Act Delivers More Funding for Clean Vehicles in NC
Biden’s Infrastructure Act, one of his biggest legislative successes, delivers once again for North Carolina.
Dominion Doubles Down on Wind Power
Dominion Energy is already in the process of building the first offshore wind farm off the coast of Virginia, and hopes to do the same in NC.
Why Josh Stein?
Why Josh Stein? The answer is pretty simple: Josh Stein could be North Carolina’s most environmentally friendly governor.

Clean Energy

What Is “Project 2025”?
Here, we take a look at Project 2025 and its implications on environmental protections, clean energy, and more.
Biden’s Infrastructure Act Delivers More Funding for Clean Vehicles in NC
Biden’s Infrastructure Act, one of his biggest legislative successes, delivers once again for North Carolina.
Dominion Doubles Down on Wind Power
Dominion Energy is already in the process of building the first offshore wind farm off the coast of Virginia, and hopes to do the same in NC.
Why Josh Stein?
Why Josh Stein? The answer is pretty simple: Josh Stein could be North Carolina’s most environmentally friendly governor.
Duke Energy’s Neglect Could Cost NC Ratepayers $400M
Duke Energy’s neglect to seek federal loans from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) could cost NC ratepayers $400 million.
Poll Shows Strong Support for Clean Energy
A new NCLCVF poll shows strong support (74%) among North Carolinian voters for clean energy and climate action (63%).

Let Your Voice Be Heard

Oppose More Dark Money in Politics
To have a healthy environment, we need a reflective and healthy democracy. Take action to oppose more dark money in NC politics.
Oppose Destroying More Trees in NC
Oppose destroying more trees in NC. “Protecting North Carolina’s beauty should be a top priority,” said Governor Roy Cooper.
Urge NCUC To Oppose Dirty Gas in Roxboro
Take action! Join us and urge the North Carolina Utility Commission (NCUC) to oppose new dirty gas in Roxboro, North Carolina.
We Say “No” To More Gas
Despite state mandate to reduce carbon emissions, Duke Energy and Dominion Energy are digging their heels into fossil fuels.
Tell Your Legislator to Uphold Cooper’s Veto of HB 600
“This bill is a hodgepodge of bad provisions that will result in dirtier water, discriminatory permitting and threats to NC’s environment.”
Tell Your Legislator: These Voting Bills Are Threats to Our Democracy
To have a safe and clean environment, we need a fair and healthy democracy. SB749 defies the will of voters and puts our democracy in jeopardy.

Get Access to Energy Funding

Energy Funds for All is a resource guide to help NC and SC residents access support for home and community energy projects.

image of energy funds for all website

Take Action Today

Right now, you can be a voice for North Carolina’s people and natural resources. Sign a petition. Contact your elected officials. Demand accountability from corporate polluters. Spread the word to your friends and networks through email and social media.

NCLCV provides you with scorecards on how your elected officials voted on environmental issues, insider email updates, and information on how you can get involved in protecting your community. 

Give a Gift

Your support helps NCLCV continue our critical work advocating for sound environmental policies and holding our decision-makers accountable. 

Holding Leaders Accountable

NCLCV is the state’s leading pragmatic, nonpartisan voice for protecting our state’s environment.

North Carolinians, from the mountains to the sea, share a belief in protecting our air and water, maintaining the health of our communities, and ensuring our quality of life. Our elected officials have not always prioritized these values. That’s why our work is critical.

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environmental justice

Join the Fight

Help us fight for fair maps, free elections, clean air, clean water, and clean energy for every North Carolinian!

legislative battlegrounds on climate

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