
CIB 8/11/2014

NCLCV encourages public comments now to urge stronger pollution control rules on fracking, plus other news, this week in CIB: Administrative Watch: NCLCV Urges Comments on Fracking Rules It’s time for concerned citizens to speak up for strong enforcement of pollution controls on any fracking operations that come to our state. As we reported last […]

Our Fact Sheet on Fracking Rules: Environmental Enforcement

We are submitting comments on the Mining and Energy Commission’s proposed fracking rules. Specifically, our organization focused on the enforcement and permitting rules. Feel free to use in order to submit your own comments! Overview The NC Mining and Energy Commission (MEC) has requested public comment on a package of 120+ rules establishing an entirely […]

Advocacy in the Digital Age: Part II

Remember when media was non-social? Probably not. We have been trained, over the last decade, to become creatures of the social sphere, posting photos from our vacations, sharing our child’s first words (or sometimes another first-time event than arguably should not be posted anywhere online), and following breaking news happening 5,000 miles away. With the […]

CIB 8/4/2014

State legislators failed to act on coal ash pollution, plus other news, this week in CIB: Legislative Watch: Legislators Head Home as Coal Ash Deal Collapses Both the NC House and Senate last week called an end to the off-year legislative budget session without taking action to deal with the urgent problem of coal ash […]

Tillis and Berger Flooded with Calls But Coal Ash Bill Drowns

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 1, 2014 CONTACT: Dan Crawford, Director of Governmental Relations, NC League of Conservation Voters; dan@nclcv.org, 919-839-0020 or 919-539-1422 Raleigh, NC – During the past two days, NC League of Conservation Voters connected over 3,000 voters in North Carolina directly to the offices of Speaker Tillis and President Pro Tem Berger through […]

Tillis and Berger Flooded with Calls about Coal Ash

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 31, 2014 CONTACT: Dan Crawford, Director of Governmental Relations, NC League of Conservation Voters; dan@nclcv.org, 919-839-0020 or 919-539-1422 Raleigh, NC – Yesterday, North Carolina League of Conservation Voters began an aggressive phone campaign encouraging concerned voters across the state to contact House Speaker Thom Tillis and Senate President Pro Tem Phil […]

NC Voters Want Stronger Action from Tillis on Coal Ash

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 28, 2014 CONTACT: Dan Crawford, Director of Governmental Relations, NC League of Conservation Voters; dan@nclcv.org, 919-839-0020 or 919-539-1422 Raleigh, NC – According to a new public opinion survey released today, North Carolinians overwhelmingly want much stronger action from state legislators to clean up Duke Energy’s coal ash pollution, and to stop […]

CIB 7/28/2014

North Carolinians want stronger action to clean up coal ash pollution threats, plus other news, this week in CIB: Legislative Watch: Public Wants Stronger Action on Coal Ash North Carolinians overwhelmingly want much stronger action from state legislators to clean up Duke Energy’s coal ash pollution, and to stop the threat of still more spills […]

HotList 07/22/2014

Budget negotiations are still underway, which has left a fairly slow week at the legislature for environmental issues. However, the conference committee that will be working on a compromise for the Coal Ash Management Act of 2014 has been appointed: Representatives McGrady, Samuelson, Hager, Glazier and Senators Berger, Wade, and Apodaca. This conference committee can […]

CIB 7/21/2014

NCLCV continued to put the heat on the shortcomings of coal ash legislation, plus other news, this week in CIB: Legislative Watch: NCLCV Steps Up Heat on Coal Ash NCLCV is not going to let buck-dodging legislative leaders “greenwash” their painted pig of a coal ash bill. Conservationists last week called on House Speaker Thom […]

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