
A Letter from Francisco: Offshore Drilling is not Good for NC

In a previous post, you got to hear our reasons why offshore drilling is a bad idea for North Carolina. This week, we’ll be hearing from another concerned North Carolina resident – a voice of the next generation of conservationists and thought-leaders.

Without further ado, we present the activism of Francisco from Raleigh who shares his love for Wrightsville beach and the Outer Banks and his fondness for the wildlife that call these sandy shores home.


While we aren’t sure if stopping drilling will equate to catching more terrorists, we applaud Francisco’s willingness to speak out on an issue that impacts his life.

Have you submitted your comments yet on the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s draft 5-Year Oil & Gas Plan? The deadline is midnight on March 30. The time to protect our coastline is NOW!

You can also add your voice in a second way: Join our Thunderclap scheduled for Monday, March 30 at 3pm. What is a Thunderclap? Think of it as an virtual flash mob where one message hits the Internet from dozens or even hundreds of accounts. Think of the awareness it will bring to all those who still have no idea their Atlantic coastline is in jeopardy.

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