Climate Voter Mobilization Expands in NC

With little more than two weeks to go in the critical 2022 elections, campaign attention is increasingly focused on turning out those voters who already recognize the necessity of an aggressive response to the climate crisis.

That’s the purpose of the Conservation Voter Movement’s Climate Voter Mobilization project. Last week, it announced the expansion of its efforts into six more competitive races for the U.S. House of Representatives, including North Carolina’s 13th District. State Senator Wiley Nickel is endorsed by the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) Victory Fund in that contest. 

LCV Victory Fund and Climate Power Action sponsor the project, which includes both digital ads and direct mail. Originally announced in August as a $12 million effort, the expanded project will now invest a total of $15 million in turning out more than two million “climate voters” in the targeted districts. 

The NC League of Conservation Voters (NCLCV) is in that fight as well. NCLCV Executive Director Carrie Clark says, “”This year, we’re working to grow the ranks of our legislative Green Caucus and to protect the state Supreme Court majority, which upheld our state Constitution and ended partisan gerrymandering. There are two state Supreme Court seats on the ballot in November, and losing even one would flip the current 4-3 pro-environment, pro-voter majority back to hostile control until at least 2028.”

“In a tough political environment like 2022, the risks of losing ground are real,” Clark warned. “Imagine what the pro-polluter, anti-voter leadership will do if they get their legislative supermajorities and Supreme Court majority back!” 

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