Current Issues

We work tirelessly to bring you the latest breaking news on pressing climate and energy issues in North Carolina.

Climate Crisis

Fight Back Against Expensive Dirty Gas Pipeline
Looking to advocate for climate action? Join us virtually April 1 at 6:30pm to fight back against an expensive, dirty gas pipeline.
Clawback of Climate Fund Blocked
A federal District Court judge in Washington DC has blocked the Trump Administration’s attempt to claw back $14B in climate funding.
NC Senate’s Dirty Duke Giveaway Bill
Last week the NC Senate passed legislation reversing North Carolina’s progress on climate action and padding polluters’ pockets.
EPA Proposes Gutting Clean Air and Water Rules
The Trump Administration continued its war on the American environment last week ironically announced by the new administrator of the EPA.
Stein Acts on Clean Water and Climate
Governor Stein takes action by announcing new grants and loans for clean drinking water and by continuing NC’s part in U.S. climate alliance.
NC Delegation’s Heroes and Zeroes
Last week, LCV released the National Environmental Scorecard for 2024, and it shows the NC delegation’s heroes and zeroes.

Clean Energy

Fight Back Against Expensive Dirty Gas Pipeline
Looking to advocate for climate action? Join us virtually April 1 at 6:30pm to fight back against an expensive, dirty gas pipeline.
Clawback of Climate Fund Blocked
A federal District Court judge in Washington DC has blocked the Trump Administration’s attempt to claw back $14B in climate funding.
NC Senate’s Dirty Duke Giveaway Bill
Last week the NC Senate passed legislation reversing North Carolina’s progress on climate action and padding polluters’ pockets.
EPA Proposes Gutting Clean Air and Water Rules
The Trump Administration continued its war on the American environment last week ironically announced by the new administrator of the EPA.
2024 LCV Scorecard Release
Offshore Wind Moving Forward
Offshore wind projects are moving forward despite the Trump Administration’s efforts to stop them. Help us achieve wins like this for NC!


A Victory Against “Moore” Unchecked Political Power
Last year, the Supreme Court struck down the fringe “ISL” theory. How did we get involved in one of the most important democracy lawsuits?
How Corporate Interests Block Clean Energy
Polls show even conservatives increasingly support the development of clean, renewable energy in NC. Why are lawmakers blocking efforts?
New State Court Lawsuit Challenges Gerrymandering
Lawsuit says the maps drawn by the NC General Assembly last year violate the state’s constitutional guarantee of “free and fair elections.”
The Most Comprehensive Challenge to NC’s Extreme Gerrymandering
Last week, North Carolina voting-rights advocates filed the most comprehensive challenge yet to the extreme gerrymandered election maps.
Black Voters Challenge NC Senate Map
Two Black voters–Rodney D. Pierce and Moses Mathews–challenge new NC maps in federal court for racial discrimination.
Extreme Partisan Maps Will Be Challenged
Advocates are speaking up in defense of a state effort to aid low-income electric customers in dealing with the onslaught of new rate hikes.
NCLCV’s Statement on Newly Enacted Legislative and Congressional Maps for North Carolina Elections
NCLCV Statement on Governor Cooper Establishing Climate Corps (1 of 5 US states committed) and Clean Energy Week Sept. 25th-29th.
NC Gerrymandering Turns Even Uglier
Made in secret, Republican mapmakers revealed new Congressional and legislative maps producing NC’s most extreme partisan gerrymanders yet.
It will be harder for North Carolinians to participate in fair elections.
First thing: What the NC Supreme Court did was unlawful.
Apparently, politicians can choose their voters.
…”this Court’s darkest moments.”
Court Rehears Fair Maps
The only difference is the make-up of the court.
Rehearing Harper v. Hall
Our democracy is at stake.
NCLCV, Democracy Advocates Push Back Against Legislative Power Grabs
Our democracy continues to be threatened.
Wins for Voting Rights
Fair voting should be a fundamental right.
NCLCV Defends Democracy at the US Supreme Court
Checks and balances are part of a thriving democracy.
Supreme Court Hears Key Elections Law Case
It’s time to stop the power grab by lawless legislators #standforchecks&balances.
SCOTUS to Review NCLCV v Hall
Justices will hear state legislators’ appeal of our victory over gerrymandering. Democracy is on the line.
NCLCV to SCOTUS: Deny NCGA Map Appeal
Legislators asked the U.S. Supreme Court to reinstate their gerrymandered maps, and we’re still fighting them.
GOP Asks Court for Unchecked Power
Legislators want the U.S. Supreme Court to endorse its dangerous legal theory.
Victory Over Gerrymandering Confirmed
The U.S. Supreme Court denied legislators’ last-minute challenge to reinstate their congressional gerrymander.
The Last Stand for Fair Maps
Legislators are begging the U.S. Supreme Court to reinstate their unconstitutional congressional gerrymander.
Stakes Rise for Judicial Elections
Gerrymandering politicians are seeking revenge against state courts in this fall’s election.
Victory Over Gerrymandering
Our lawsuit secured the fairest NC congressional and state legislative maps in decades.
It’s Districts Decision Week
After decades of gerrymandering, courts could approve fair maps Wednesday.
We Won
The NC Supreme Court decided in our favor, overturning the maps and ruling gerrymandering unconstitutional.
Cooper Veto Lets Court Decide Primary Date
Oral arguments in our gerrymandering lawsuit are Wednesday.
Legislators Want Another Crack at Districts
They passed a bill to delay the primary that Gov. Cooper will likely veto.
Supreme Court Taking Our Case
Oral arguments will be on Groundhog Day. No more weeks of gerrymandering?
Awaiting Gerrymandering Judgment
Court will rule by Tuesday.
Tell Senators: Guarantee Everyone’s Freedom to Vote
Urge them to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Act!
NCLCV v Hall Livestream
Follow along January 3 to 6 starting at 9 AM.
Primaries Delayed Until Maps Reviewed
The state Supreme Court expedited our lawsuit against gerrymandering.
Candidate Filing Delayed…for a Few Hours
A chaotic day for our lawsuit against the gerrymandered maps.
NCLCV Sues Over Gerrymandered Maps
We’re taking legislators to court and demanding fair districts!
NCLCV, Sierra Club Blast Rigged Maps
Legislators stacked the deck for polluters and disenfranchised the people.
Maps Heading to Court Again
Civil rights groups are challenging the unconstitutional redistricting process.
Speak Out Against Gerrymandering
Maps are out, and your window for public comment is now!
Redistricting in the Shadows
Legislative leaders are gerrymandering in the dark.
Legislators Start Work on Redistricting
Will legislators gerrymander us into another decade of skewed maps and broken democracy?
Complete your census form!
It only takes a few minutes to make the next ten years count for our communities and our values.
2020 Candidate Filing Starts Now
Candidates are filing paperwork across the state. Who will be on your ballot?
State Legislative Maps Final; Congressional Filing Delayed
The picture for North Carolina’s 2020 elections playing field got a little clearer last week.
Mapping the Trail to Environmental Victory
Will the court approve state legislators’ redrawn congressional districts?
More Challenges to Redistricting Decisions
A state court blocked North Carolina’s congressional maps from use in 2020.
Waiting for the Maps
Plaintiffs and defendants submitted their final briefs in the legislative gerrymandering court case…
New Legislative Maps Head Back to Court
Legislature Starts Drawing New Maps
Victory for Democracy
Gerrymandering on Trial
Supremes Allow Gerrymandering to Continue
Campaign Watch: End Gerrymandering
Take action this week to support fair, transparent elections in North Carolina.
Education & Resources: End Gerrymandering

All News

environmental justice

Join the Fight

Help us fight for fair maps, free elections, clean air, clean water, and clean energy for every North Carolinian!

legislative battlegrounds on climate

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