
“It Ain’t About Just Catching Fish”

BlountsCreek_Aug_31Almost every week, Bob Daw sends photos of his recent adventures on nearby Blounts Creek. Every week, I look forward to receiving these photos.

Now, I don’t know much about the Creek and the turmoil seemingly terrible decision to allow a limestone mining company to build nearby with the reality that potentially 12 million gallons of discharge will flow into Blounts Creekevery day.

Blounts Creek provides homes to creatures of four-legs and fins alike. It allows a father and a son hours and hours of time together – no phones, no iPads – just fishing poles and patience. It connects critical supplies of drinking water to local wells. Protecting Blounts Creek isn’t an issue only for environmentalists to champion. It’s one that impacts each and every life in the surrounding community. And, these are exactly the folks who are making noise and telling the story of Blounts Creek, from the ground up.

What I do know is that community members, like Bob, aren’t sitting by idly. They are fighting back. And, they are asking those who live along the stream to <a “=”” href=”http://www.reflector.com/opinion/editorials/editorial-considering-blounts-creek-2964513″>also get involved in ensuring that this critical natural habitat remains intact and pollution-free.

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Sometimes it’s easier to tell the story through pictures. And each time I receive one of Bob’s emails, sharing his recent findings and adventures as he, his wife and other family members embark on Blounts Creek, I learn more of the story.

In one of his most recent emails, Bob wrote: “It ain’t always about catching fish. In fact most of the time it’s all about the adventure and sites that get us off the couch to enjoy life.”

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This post was written by Katie Todd, Online Engagement Coordinator. Have a local story you would like to show? Contact her at katie@nclcv.org

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