CIB 8/22/2016: Wellwatergate 2016

The murky tide of Wellwatergate continues to lap at the Governor’s door. This week in CIB: Executive Watch: Wellwatergate Case Parties Subpoena McCrory Aides After weeks of self-generated negative public scrutiny of the McCrory Administration’s honesty on the matter of toxic well water near Duke Energy coal ash pits, the Governor might be excused for asking […]

What is happening to our experts?

Folks, we interrupt your Thursday afternoon with a burning question: What competent scientist would want to work for an administration that they know won’t hesitate to slander, vilify, and publicly hang them out to dry for simply doing their jobs conscientiously? Based on the course of actions over the last week involving the McCrory Administration, […]

May the odds be ever in your favor

State toxicologist testifies McCrory administration knew of health risks to homeowners but reversed ‘do-not-drink’ letters regardless.

PR: Gov. McCrory Signs Duke Energy Protection Act

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Katie Todd 919.244.5868 GOV. MCCRORY SIGNS “DUKE ENERGY PROTECTION ACT” Former Duke employee shows his loyalty to former employer, not current constituents RALEIGH : To no surprise, Governor Pat McCrory signed disastrous coal ash legislation into law last Friday, further stalling the cleanup of the state’s toxic coal ash mess. […]

Our statement: NC Senate’s failure to hold Duke Energy accountable

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Doug Jackson 252.432.9716   NC Senate proposes yet another sweetheart coal ash deal for Charlotte-based energy monopoly (Raleigh) Today, the North Carolina Senate revealed another sweetheart coal ash deal for Duke Energy in the gutted and amended House Bill 630. This bill would get rid of the coal ash commission, […]

CIB 6/27/16: Bad bills growing like weeds in Raleigh

It’s whack-a-mole time for anti-environmental legislation in Raleigh, and at this point the moles are winning. This week in CIB: Legislative Watch: Anti-Environment Measures Metastasize Judging by the growing number of legislative assaults on North Carolina’s environment, the end of this legislative session can’t come soon enough. (How about last week?) Bills to retreat from critical environmental […]

Coal ash is complicated

There is no quick or easy solution in moving coal ash away from drinking water sources. But, that doesn’t justify delaying efforts further.

McCrory’s calculated move to eliminate expert voices

By Katie Todd, Director of Digital Strategies In our Conservation Insider Bulletin last week, editor Dan Besse noted a theme rising from two recently-filed legislative bills: the attempt to limit or even eliminate the voice of environmental and public health experts in keeping us and our natural resources safe. Two bills introduced illustrate this narrative: […]

environmental justice

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