
What is happening to our experts?

Folks, we interrupt your Thursday afternoon with a burning question:

What competent scientist would want to work for an administration that they know won’t hesitate to slander, vilify, and publicly hang them out to dry for simply doing their jobs conscientiously?

Based on the course of actions over the last week involving the McCrory Administration, the NC Department of Health and Human Services, the NC Department of Environmental Quality, state toxicologist Ken Rudo, and now Megan Davies, the former Epidemiology Section Chief and State Epidemiologist in the Division of Public Health, the answer is:


You can read Dr. Davies full resignation letter here. This is how she summed up her decision to leave her life’s work:

“I saw misstatements and an overall misleading picture that I felt that does not serve the people of North Carolina.” (video)

As of an hour ago, Governor McCrory is chalking all of this up a miscommunication:

“One group of scientists, which I support, believe the public ought to get all the information about the water, not limited information and one opinion.”

Is the Governor asserting that the word of some scientists should be heeded while others ignored?

Since taking office, Governor McCrory has built a culture of loyalty, not of leadership, especially on policy decisions impacting our environment and public health. Whether it is ignoring the critical issues including sea level rise, climate change, and federal water protections, McCrory maintains his legacy as a public servant whose loyalties remain with his former employer and with those he puts in power. His actions demonstrate an unwillingness to put the best interests of the people and natural resources of North Carolina before his own.


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