
Duke Energy Must Follow the Law

Tell Attorney General Josh Stein to Ensure the North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC) holds Duke Energy to the law.

The Law Duke Energy Must Follow

In 2021, the North Carolina General Assembly passed HB 951; a law requiring Duke Energy to cut their carbon emissions 70% by 2030, and reach net-zero by 2050. While these goals are admirable, we have always said the law gives Duke Energy too much power and too much wiggle room. Now, that is exactly what is happening – Duke is trying to move the 2030 deadline.

Recently, our friends at the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) filed a motion on behalf of the Sierra Club, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, to compel NCUC to follow the law and ensure that Duke Energy cuts its carbon footprint by 70% by 2030. Duke Energy immediately protested and tried to kill the measure.

On July 19th, the NCUC issued an order stating that they will not support SELC’s request to hold Duke accountable, but they are also not approving Duke Energy’s motion to kill the measure. 

On July 24th, hearings between the parties involved in the carbon plan process began. Duke must defend their plans to continue relying on expensive and unreliable fossil fuels instead of more affordable options like renewable energy or energy efficiency measures.

Attorney General Josh Stein

The Attorney General, as the State’s enforcer of the law, must ensure the Commission is following the law for the carbon plan and holding Duke accountable. 

Attorney General Stein has a track record of standing up to big polluters; now we need him to make sure NCUC follows the law and finalizes a carbon plan that protects our communities and fights climate change.

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