Comment on Animal Waste Biogas Permits

You can now comment on state permits for hog waste biogas systems. Next month, the state Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will hold three public hearings on the permit requirements.

The 2021 Farm Act ordered DEQ to develop general permits for these systems, defining them as “a system and all associated equipment and lagoon covers that collects and processes gases from an animal waste management system for the digestion of animal biomass for use as a renewable energy resource.”

We and other environmental advocates argued against use of general permits for biogas systems, which should have case-by-case review instead, but the final legislation retained that provision anyway. Now the public has another opportunity to make the case that the general permit conditions need to be as strong as possible.

The hearings will be held April 5 in Kenansville (Duplin County), April 7 in Clinton (Sampson County), and a virtual meeting on April 21. Written comments are due May 2. Find out how to participate here.

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