Trump Sends More of Our Money to Failed Georgia Nuclear Plant


Solar, wind, and energy efficiency are all win-win solutions for climate change: clean, efficient, and affordable now. So why is the Trump Administration determined to waste more billions of taxpayer dollars on an economically failed nuclear plant?

Energy Secretary Rick Perry announced last week that the Trump Administration is dumping another $3.7 billion in taxpayer subsidy into keeping afloat the troubled Vogtle nuclear plant construction project in Georgia. That’s on top of the $8.3 billion in federal loan guarantees already propping up this boondoggle. Originally approved in 2012, its two reactors were supposed to be built for $14 billion total. Now years behind schedule, the cost estimate for their completion is up to $27 billion and rising.

The Vogtle project is just one leading example of the costs of the so-called “nuclear renaissance,” both in public dollars and alternative energy opportunity lost.

Up next, Oppose a New Wind Energy Ban >>

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