Supplying Offshore Wind from a NC Port

If one coastal county’s economic development director has his way, Morehead City’s Radio Island could become the major supply source of parts for Atlantic offshore wind farms. 

Don Kirkman is pitching Carteret County and Morehead City elected officials on the jobs and economic potential of such development. He’s drawing on concepts discussed in the state Department of Commerce’s report, “Building North Carolina’s Offshore Wind Supply Chain.”

Because of the large size of parts like the turbine blades for offshore wind towers, there’s a strong economic advantage to building them in a deep-water port facility and shipping them by water directly to the offshore farm’s construction site. But Kirkman pointed out the potential Morehead City site needs a great deal of preparatory infrastructure to accommodate such facilities. That’s why he’s encouraging local government leaders to support the North Carolina State Ports Authority’s grant application for assistance in making those infrastructure investments.

Speaking of offshore energy, Congresswoman Deborah Ross (NC-2) is an original co-sponsor of the federal Clean Ocean and Safe Tourism (COAST) Anti-drilling Act. In Ross’ press release announcing the bill last week, our Director of Governmental Relations Dan Crawford says, “North Carolinians value our coast for its beauty and the opportunities it provides families to enjoy it. Millions depend on our coastal waters for their livelihoods. That’s why North Carolinians of both parties overwhelmingly want to protect our coast from dangerous offshore drilling. We thank Rep. Ross for her leadership in advocating for people’s health and quality of life and against Big Oil polluters who are threatening it.”

North Carolina and other states are still suffering from the toxic legacy of the offshore oil industry. North Carolina should pursue a cleaner energy future blowing in the sea winds. Tell our Sen. Thom Tillis to join Rep. Ross in protecting our coast!

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